Both Mole and Man

My newly sodded, beautiful backyard is under attack by moles as many of your yards must be as well. I did some research into this widespread infestation, and I discovered that in spring grubs eat grass roots. After eating, they turn into pupae that will later turn into beetles (including Japanese beetles) which emerge to feed on garden plants, raspberry bushes, and flowers. The beetles lay eggs in the lawn soon after. The eggs hatch into new grubs and the destructive cycle begins all over again in the spring.

grubsGrubs are attracted to healthy, thick grass because healthy grass means a healthy root system which is what grubs feed on as soon as they hatch.

And then there are moles. Moles spend most of their time digging tunnels. At regular intervals, moles stop digging to push the loose soil to the top creating molehills. molesMoles live in darkness where their work is unseen, but they leave a trail of visible destruction. Moles have been clocked to dig 15 feet per hour creating a vast network of tunnels throughout lawns. The lawn has lost its original beauty.

Moles smell in stereo meaning their nostrils smell separately allowing them to find the source of food – namely grubs. Although moles do not eat plant roots, they can kill plants by disturbing the roots. A single mole’s range can extend up to 2.7 acres! A mole’s spit is poisonous and paralyzes grubs and insects. They are like microwaves on steroids. To rid the moles, one has to get rid of their food source.

When my beautiful, new sod area became a haven for moles, the battle began to rid the yard of moles!

I thought how amazing that events in nature actually portray Christian principles. The grubs represent man’s original sin – that of disobedience to God by eating the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Consequently, all human beings inherit a tainted nature with a natural bent to sin. Moles are like the additional sins that plunge man into spiritual darkness. Man has lost his original beauty.

Like lawns are incapable of ridding themselves of grubs and moles, so man is incapable of ridding himself of his of original sin, his sin nature, and his accumulating sin. Both mole and man are destined to live in darkness if left on their own.

To be free of moles, a person has to have an effective means to do so. The same holds true for man. He also must be set free but from sin. The only sure source for man is a Savior.

Jesus is the only Savior. He came to this world of darkness to do exactly that – pay the penalty for all sin and set man free to live in the light. Jesus said, “I am the Light of the world. Whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” John 8:12

As moles are put to death, the lawn can be restored to its original beauty. Mankind is restored to our original beauty as God intended through the death of the Savior.

As ugly and repulsive grubs and moles are to man, that does not even begin to compare to how ugly and repulsive man’s sin is to God.

I am reminded that man’s inborn and destructive sin nature, if left untreated, morphs into a sinful lifestyle that can only be changed through the finished work Jesus did on the cross. What a comfort and assurance we have in Jesus. Just think, God, our Creator,  sees us as beautiful through Jesus.  (I still have moles in the yard, but my sins are washed away!)