In the Meantime

You would think that I would write a blog on something I have mastered with “How To” steps for you to accomplish your challenge. Right? But that is not always the case, and this week’s blog is one of those times.

To begin with, God completed the work of salvation through Christ Jesus without man’s input to add to or diminish from that work. That is an underlying truth all believers hold sacred. God does, however, call all believers in Christ to live our earthly lives in preparation for eternal life in His presence.

In the MeantimeThe time of living on earth in anticipation of living in heaven is known as in the meantime. This is the time when God trains, teaches, and encourages us along the way. He says in Colossians 3:2, “If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.” That means to focus one’s thoughts and energy on things that are eternal and of spiritual value such as God, His Word, worship, prayer, and praise. It becomes a life-changing practice. It is setting one’s mind as expressing the priorities of God’s kingdom in the midst of everyday earthly activities.

I have to continually pray to refocus my eyes on Christ since I can easily become preoccupied with things that happen in life. I am self-disciplined in my nature, but to control my often-racing thoughts is more than difficult. To stay focused on things of eternal value for me is like going down rabbit trails in my thinking. Sometimes, that can be a good thing – to go off script and discover new pathways to explore. But, in most cases, it is simply meandering around the woods not paying attention to the intended destination.

I think God inserted Colossians 3:1 in my Bible for my benefit. Maybe it is in your Bible too? If it is, it is because it is important. If that verse, along with  Philippians 4:8, Romans 12:2, Matthew 6:33, 1 Peter 1:13, and Hebrews 12:1-2 are in the Bible, it must be vitally important for us to know and to practice setting our minds on things above in order to live the abundant life in the meantime.

We must not focus on where we are not or become frustrated with where we are, but to anticipate where we are going. We must be intentional about focusing our thoughts on those things that allow us to serve God successfully, and at the same time eliminate any thoughts that would trip us up.

To consistently focus on Christ instead of our own circumstances takes practice! It is good to remember, too, that in the meantime, God is preparing us for something far greater. Sometimes it carries frustration; sometimes anticipation, but He is always leading us to glory.

Understanding what it means to set our minds on the things above is the first step. Next comes awareness of our thought patterns followed by prayer asking God to help us to think on “whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.” (Philippians 4:8)

Look to Jesus as He tenderly watches over you and helps us to set our minds on things above.