Over the Edge

Many people think America is over the edge to ever again become one great nation under God with liberty and justice for all.  And it might very well be.

No human president, male or female, will be able to right-side up America into a great nation again.  It will take divine intervention.

We hear public speakers close their speeches with, “And God bless America.”  Bless this deplorable state we are in?  Does it not strike a chord in your heart to think of asking God to bless America when, as a nation, we spurn the Lord on every side; cast Him out of public places as though He were an illegal alien; reject His name from being spoken in prayer at public gatherings; make laws that legalize the killing of the innocent and helpless; justify an ordinance that defies God’s explicit commands regarding marriage between one man and one woman; or turn to crime, violence, greed, and racism from selfish motives?

If we truly want God to bless America, we must ask, “What does it take for God to bless a nation?”

Although the Old Testament verse found in 2 Chronicles 7:14 was intended for God’s chosen people, Israel, we can apply its principle to us today.  “IF My people, who are called by My name, (that would read “Christians” today) will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, THEN, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and will heal their land.”

God tells us plainly the requirements for Him to bless a nation.  *Humble ourselves.  *Pray.  *Seek the Lord.  *Turn from our wicked ways.  THEN, I will…

Past history clearly details the results of any nation in rebellion against God. The fall of a nation is usually due to a decline in the moral and spiritual values that begin within the family.  As families go, so goes a nation.

Selfish material values begin to dominate the mind.  Change in sexual values occur in both men and women.  Children become unwanted, aborted, abandoned, molested, and undisciplined.  Human beings created in God’s image are devalued.

Unbelief in God becomes rampant and with that, moral and ethical boundaries disappear.  Violence and anarchy become commonplace.

BUT GOD, being rich in mercy, is slow to anger – not wanting any to perish.  He loved the people of the entire world so much that He gave His only Son, Jesus Christ, to die in our place for our sins that whoever truly believes in the Son of God will not perish, but have everlasting life.

We have a choice – repent and believe and receive blessings, or rebel in unbelief and receive judgment.

IF we – individuals or an entire nation – humble ourselves, pray, seek the Lord, repent and believe, God will forgive.  It’s a big IF to consider.

It remains to be seen if America is over the edge, and God’s wrath is poured out in judgment, or if America will repent and believe and is spared.