The Voice Behind the Words

God’s Book is more than a narrative for our reading pleasure. It hosts more than facts & figures. It has a heart beat! It is fast-paced, but lingers in the right places so we can know the real people He writes about.

Come! Sail Away with Ruth and Jesse

I would like to share a few thoughts and a lot of wisdom in a conversation/mock interview with Ruth Maleski on her marriage to Jesse..  Ruth  seems so young to have such wisdom, but she is living life and applying what she’s learning along the way.   Ruth is a personal trainer at Peak Physique located in St. Cloud.  So, Come!  Sail away with Ruth and Jesse. How old were you and Jesse when you got married?   I was 21 and Jesse was 23 when we tied the knot two years ago today.  We were – and still are – Read More