Would Somebody Please Comfort Me!

She sat in her usual spot on the curb of a dead-end steet in a town long ago forgotten by time.  Her disheveled hair reflected what her life had become.  Her dull eyes and her dirty, tattered clothes gave anyone who passed by an excuse for not stopping to help.  To comfort.  She clutched a small, burlap sack that held her meager belongings that she scavenged along the way.  No one knew her name, but some poor soul tagged her the ‘bag lady,’  She would mumble to herself out of despair, “Would somebody please comfort me!”  Could anyone in such a pathetic and dire situation really exist?  Absolutely!  Somewhere in the world – perhaps in more places than we would care to know, there is a bag lady.

A child in an orphanage longed to be held in his mother’s arms remembering the times she sang softly and lulled him to sleep. He swiped tears from his cheeks with each fading memory.  His heart was empty.  This child represents millions of orphaned or abandoned children around the world.  I just know he wishes, “Would somebody please comfort me!”


People in need of comfort have been around since the beginning of civilization ~

would someone please comfort me!Hagar was an Egyptian maidservant given to Sarah, wife of Abraham.  When Sarah could not get pregnant, she gave her maidservant to Abraham to be a surrogate-like mother, but when Hagar became pregnant, she despised her mistress.  Sarah mistreated Hagar so harshly, Hagar fled to the Wilderness  of Beersheba for the second time, only this time, she took her son, Ishmael, with her.   She wandered in the wilderness for a time, and when their water in the skin was used up,  Hagar was desperate to save her son from certain death.  She cried out with a loud, anguished voice, and God heard her cry.  He saw her need.  God showed her a well of water, and she ran and filled the skin with water and gave the lad a drink.

~ Sometimes, God Himself intervenes in a person’s crisis and comforts them ~

There was a widow in Zarephath who had a young son.  They were on the brink of starvation, when  God directed the prophet Elijah to go to her house.  He asked for a drink of water and some bread.  She told him she had no bread – only a handful of flour and a little oil in a jar.  Elijah said God would make the flour and oil last until the famine was over.  Then the widow’s son became ill and died.  The widow was bereaved over her son.  But Elijah took the boy to the room where he stayed and prayed that God would restore the boy.  Meanwhile, the widow cried out in anguish.  Elijah returned carrying the boy that God had restored to life, and he gave the widow her son.

~ Other times, God sends someone to intervene, to rescue, to comfort ~

God hears the cries of those in desperate need.  He sees the tears of those in crisis.  He cares for every person in His creation, and He will not abandon  us.  Because God loved the people in the world so much, He sent His only begotten Son to die to rescue us from the penalty of sin.  We can be comforted to know we are children of the living God.