The Good, Bad, and Ugly

In the morning, Jacob realized he had been deceived and betrayed. He was enraged! Rachel was devastated! Jacob, the deceiver, was himself deceived and betrayed. Laban got what he wanted, but he had to use deception, betrayal, and trickery to do so.

Shattered Dreams

My guest blogger for this month is well-known  Christian author and  speaker Marcia Laycock of Canada.  She writes about shattered dreams: We are all dreamers – where we might live or travel to, of times with our children or grand-children, perhaps even of accolades and awards.  Sometimes it feels like our dreams are close to coming true; other times our dreams are crushed.  Our life looks like nothing but a pile of pointless efforts.  We come close to giving up on all our dreams. I wonder what  state the disciples were in, when Jesus was crucified. Imagine the dreams the Read More