Captain May I?

Captain May I?When I was in grade school, we played a game at recess called Captain May I?  We would line up side by side facing the captain. The captain would call us by name and call out an instruction such as “Rita, take two baby steps backward or take one giant step forward.” I would ask his permission, “Captain May I?” At the captain’s discretion, he would reply either ‘yes’ or ‘no.’ The object was to get to the finish line.  But, if I  took only one giant step forward, it was not long before I would lose my balance, wobble, and fall to the ground short of the finish line.  Of course, I then, would be disqualified from the game.

In the walk of life, a person takes a giant step forward when he/she realizes they are a sinner. This is huge! However, if they do not take the next step, they will be off balance, wobble and fall without ever reaching the finish line.  This is tragic!  If their realization of their sinful state is the only  step they take, they  will feel unavoidable guilt, much fear and many regrets.

But, when a person  hears their name called with the words, “Take one giant step forward,” you ask, “Captain May I?” The resounding answer is “Yes, you may!”  That step means turning to Jesus in repentance. The next step is to believe in Jesus’ name.  The goal is still to reach the finish line.  Recognize you are a sinner (we all are), repent, and believe.  “Easy peasy,” you say?  hmm. Try it. Be sincere when you do, though.

“Run the race set before you.”  “Captain May I?”  “Yes, you may!”  I’ll see you at the finish line.

Another game we played is What Time is it Mr. Wolf. The person who tells the time, (the wolf) stands at one end of an area and all the children line up opposite him and ask, “What time is it, Mr. Wolf.” He calls out, “It is 3:00 o’clock.” We take three steps closer. When we get very close to the wolf, we ask, “What time is it, Mr. Wolf?” He answers, “It’s dinner time!” and tries to catch one of us before we can get back to safety.

In the real world, Mr. Wolf is the evil one. It is like trying to see how close we can get to temptation before being caught in his grasp.  His snare looks tempting – maybe even worth considering? But, the one caught in the alluring temptation is deceived. When he realizes it, he cries out for help!

The only safety area is under Jesus’ protection.

Who is the wolf? He is a ferocious wolf in sheep’s clothing – the devil himself.  However, the wolf comes in many disguises. The world with its glamorous enticement is a beckoning wolf. Our own sin nature is a wolf that shadows us wherever we go.  So, beware! Lest you are snared and cannot get free.

Temptation is not a sin – giving in to it, is.

Children’s games can give valuable lessons for people of all ages.  Repent, believe, and be saved.  Flee temptation or be trapped.

Scriptures used for Captain May I include: Matthew 3:2, 4:17; Mark 1:14
Scriptures used for What Time is it, Mr. Wolf? are: Proverbs 4:14-15; Matthew 7:15; James 1:15; and 2 Peter 3:17.