When it’s Hard to Wait

There are so many of us who are in fervent prayer for a particular situation involving our loved ones, but it seems that God is not answering.  So before you lose all hope regarding your circumstance or get bogged down with frustration, I thought it would be helpful to re-post a blog by my guest blogger, Micah Maddox, which posted May 9, 2016.  It is every bit as timely and as necessary now as it was three years ago.  She writes:

I dropped to my knees again with tears rolling down my face and no words to pray.  I wanted to beg God to answer me, hear me, get back with me, or at least send me a sign so I would know He was hearing me.  There was no sign, no miracle in the mailbox, no special verse that kept showing up, and no answer.

Sometimes it’s hard to wait on God.   I know He holds the power to do anything at anytime, but when things seem undone, physically impossible, or difficult to understand, I struggle to see beyond the obvious answer.

When God says, “Wait,” it’s hard for me to accept.  I would like to say that I am a patient person, but when life isn’t going great, sometimes I become impatient.  I begin to question why God won’t answer, step in, heal, fix, or mend the unraveling circumstances that surround me.

As I waited for the answer to what seemed like one of the biggest prayers I had ever prayed, I wrestled.v

I wrestled with, “Why?”

I wrestled with, “Why not?”

I wrestled with, Why not now?”

I wrestled with God ~

When I finally stopped wrestling, God changed His answer from, “Wait,” to “Worship.”

When it's Hard to Wait by Micah MaddoxThrough the waiting, God taught me a lesson that I hope I never forget.  He taught me that no matter how long the tough seasons of our lives are, and no matter how high the circumstances may mount, God deserves our worship in the waiting.

I could have spent my energy, my effort, and my enthusiasm on worshiping the One who could change everything at any moment, rather that agonizing anxiously over things I could not control

When we wrestle, we waste time.  We forfeit days, nights, weeks, and months of our lives worrying about things that God can completely change.  Many times people say  that God answers prayers in one of three ways.  I disagree. “Yes, no, and wait” are not the only answers God has given me.  Many times He tells me, “Worship.”

I hope you are encouraged through the struggles of one who has learned to worship while you wait for God to answer.  Our heavenly Father hears us.  He is working to bring good to us and glory to Himself.  So, when it’s hard to wait, worship.

When it's Hard to Wait by Micah MaddoxMicah Maddox is a wife and mom who loves to encourage and inspire others to dig deeper in their spiritual journey.  She shares how God uses His Word and every day circumstances to encourage and draw us into a closer, more intimate relationship with Him.

Micah’s website is: http://www.micahmaddox.com/