My Assignment

One of our assignments for a writing class was to: “Write for a specified number of minutes on a predetermined word or phrase without stopping – without taking your pen off the paper to think about what to say.”  We were instructed to use the word in different ways in a cognitive manner and to bring our thoughts full circle.  We had four minutes, and my assignment word was “Exercise.”  At the end of the time limit, we read our snippets and would receive a one-word critique from the class.

Result of My Assignment~

Exercise: Exercise is a random thing some people do to make their bodies better and stronger; some people exercise their brain for better memory.  Some people hear the word and run – not realizing they a doing the very thing they are trying to avoid. Other people look at the word and wonder how they can exercise their sense of humor, or how they can cope with a friend who is an exercise guru and still remain friends.  Some may wonder, what’s the point?  Politicians exercise their power, and citizens exercise their rights.  Students will exercise before a game, and some spectators hate the thought of climbing to the third row in the bleachers.  What does it mean to exercise?  We are doing a writing exercise right now, and I’m not even sweating!  That in itself is fairly remarkable, but what’s even more amazing is that I love this thing called exercise!  I feel stronger already.   Although my nose is perspiring, I have completed my assignment.

My Critique:  “Playful”

We had another 4-minute assignment using the word “Chocolate.”

my assignment chocolatesChocolate:  Chocolate comes from a bitter cocoa bean, and whatever process it goes through to become a delicacy is an absolutely genius process.  Chocolate soothes the soul.  And, it is delightful to receive on Valentine’s Day from my sweetheart too!  The color of chocolate is about the most drab color ever!  But, its color only adds another dimension to the rich texture and sweet taste.  Did you know chocolate must never have any moisture on it or it will lose its sheen?  Dull chocolate is easy to resist, but chocolate with a shine makes it irresistible.   My mom was known as the candy lady of the neighborhood for her wonderful hand-dipped chocolates. My assignment from class was to write about chocolate, but my assignment from my mom was to make the very best chocolates possible.  She taught me well.

My Critique:  “Enticing.”

Your assignment, should you choose to accept it, is to get some friends together and try a writing exercise.  Let your creativity loose.  Uncork your sense of humor.  Take the challenge.  Have fun.