Walk Away or Stand Firm

When we do not see results for the years of prayer invested for lost loved ones, or a neighbor, or a flagrant rebel, are we tempted to give up and walk away? To abandon them? To be critical of them? Do we diminish God’s power by thinking there is just no hope for them? Does not that kind of thinking qualify us as even being critical of God?

Think about it; turning away from God is the exact problem God calls us to pray for and to witness to those very ones who are outside the city gates. Should we not ask God to give us a renewed hope rather than an attitude of ‘what’s the point?’ A broken heart for them rather than a critical spirit?

Most people are aware of the story of Miriam and Aaron criticizing Moses, their brother and prophet of God. Instead of coming alongside of Moses, they criticized his position as God’s spokesman. Instead of praying for Moses, they murmured against him. God does not take lightly that of a critical spirit whether it be against one who walked away from God or one who walks with God.

Some people may consider Jeremiah the model prophet of faithfulness, while others might think of him as an example of failure. Afterall, he served God for over 40 years, yet the rulers and the people of Judah did not listen to his warnings of pending judgment. Not only did the people not heed the warnings, but they also put Jeremiah in prison, threw him in a well, and forced him to go to Egypt.

Jeremiah was not allowed to marry; he was rejected by his friends, neighbors, family, false priests and prophets, and kings. Jeremiah stood alone in his call for the people to repent and turn to God. He warned them over and over of their impending punishment, but the people and the leaders continued to ignore him.

Yet through all the hardship and humiliation he had to endure, Jeremiah remained obedient and faithful to God. After decades of abuse, threats and outright indifference, he could easily have turned his back and walked away. But he knew that was exactly the problem that God had told him to warn the people about. Even though the people had turned and walked away from God’s will, Jeremiah was not about to do the same. Instead, he became a model of perseverance, obedience, faithfulness, and an inspiration for generations of believers.

Because the people did not respond to his call to repent, that did not make Jeremiah a failure. That would be a conclusion of the world.  On the contrary, Jeremiah’s life was a shining example of success because he remained faithful to God amidst total rejection by those around him. That is a godly perspective. Jeremiah did not give up and walk away, he did not harbor a critical spirit, nor did he diminish the power of God.

Stand Firm in our FaithWe may not wear the mantle of a prophet of old, but we today, are called of God to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ with as much urgency and with the same kind of faithfulness, perseverance, and hope for the lost, and confidence in the power of God as any prophet had.                                                              Stand Firm in Your Calling

May we encourage one another to stand firm in your faith, to persevere, to be obedient, to be faithful to God and His call.  Let all that we do be done in love. We are all in a spiritual battle one way or another.  Do not walk away. Keep the faith. God is mighty to save.