
looking out a window to a snow-covered yard with trees and the words, "Help my Unbelief"

John and Jane are married and have three children.  After years of marriage, their romance was deflected with raising kids, paying bills, working at jobs, and their wedding vows became an obligation rather than a promise to love each other for better or for worse.  But then, Jane heard from a long-time friend who invited her to lunch.

While Jane mixed her salad dressing into the crisp lettuce and tender chicken, Sue said, “You’ve been on my mind for the past several weeks. I’m so glad we have this time together.”  Jane smiled and nodded.  “Jane, you and I have been friends all our lives and even though we don’t get together as much as we used to…”  “Surviving life takes all my time and energy,” Jane interjected as an apology.  “That’s exactly what I want to talk to you about – surviving life!”  Jane looked intently at Sue.

“My life has been mundane, too, until I met someone who changed my life from mundane to marvelous!”  Sue’s eyes sparkled and her lips never stopped smiling.  “Tell me,” Jane urged. 

Sue began, “One of my co-workers talked to me about sin.  She said that even the tiniest sin is still sin because it is against a most holy God.  And, God’s wrath against sin brings judgment, but if we confess our sins, He is faithful to forgive us.  She said that God loves us so much that He sent His Son, Jesus, from heaven to earth to die on he cross to pay for the sins of the world.”

“I remember hearing something about that when I was young.  I’ll try to do my best,” Jane mumbled, with a shrug.  “No, Jane. You don’t understand.”

“Well, what then?”

“You can’t be good enough.  No one can.  But, Jesus was able to do what no one else could do, and He was willing to do what no one else would do.  That’s why God came in the flesh to die in our place. There’s more.  Jesus rose from the dead just like He said He would.  Only He can offer us the gift of eternal life.” 

“I don’t get it,” Jane said, moving her salad aside and resting her elbows on the table.  Sue smiled even more.  “If we believe that Jesus is the Savior, and that He paid in full the penalty for our sins, He promised that we would live forever in heaven.”   “I don’t know, Sue.  I don’t think I can turn that corner.”  “I’m not asking you to.  What I am asking you to do is to ask God to give you a willing heart.    Here,” Sue said, sliding a small book across the table.  Jane looked at it and read ‘The Gospel According to John.’  “Maybe this will help,” Sue said.

Jane looked up.  “You say it changed your life?”  “Yup. Big time,” Sue replied.  “Okay, I’ll read it, ”  Jane promised.  “Great.  God will work in your heart.  I’m absolutely positive of it because He delights for us to believe in His Son.”

Their eyes met.  Jane couldn’t help but to smile at Sue who didn’t seem to be able to keep from smiling.

“Don’t let unbelief keep you from the One who can save you,” Sue said, softly.  Jane nodded and tucked the booklet into her purse.

John 12:44-46 – Then Jesus cried out, “When a man believes in me, he does not believe in Me only.  When he looks at me, he sees the One who sent Me.  I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.”

