Time Will Tell

As Paul gave his testamony of how he was introduced to Jesus and became a believer (Acts 9:1-9; 22:6-11), so do I in this week’s blog.

After our women’s bowling banquet one spring evening in 1974, Carol, my long-time friend, asked, “Do you have time to talk?” “Sure,” I replied.

We made our way over to the lobby area of McGuires and  sat in comfy chairs facing a wall that had four large clocks that displayed four different time zones. We paid no further attention to the clocks.  Carol and I glanced at our watches, however.  “Ten o’clock,” she said.

“Check,” I said. “At least they’re the same time.”

“I’ve been wanting to share something for quite a while,” Carol began, “but we never seemed to have the chance.”

“I told Burt I would be home around 11:00 o’clock, so talk away, and I will listen.”

“It all started about six months ago. Remember I told you about my fears?” I nodded. “I had such fears of going to hell if I had a mortal sin on my soul. I think to try to ease my panic, I doubted that God was even real.” She paused.

I had fears of dying, too, and I wondered what would happen to Burt and our daughters, so I knew where she was coming from. But we could not help each other.

“It got so bad,” Carol continued, “that I shared it with two of my neighbor ladies, Judy and Becky.”

My interest piqued. “What did they say?”

“The next day, they came over with a Living Bible and encouraged me to read Galations. They invited me to their women’s Bible study. I didn’t know anything about theBible, so I did not want to go. But after much coaxing, I finally agreed. Rita, I have a personal relationship with Jesus!” she blurted, as though if she had to wait one more second, she would burst.

What is she talking about?  I wondered. Thoughts flashed through my mind. I’m the one who attended a parochial grade school for eight years. I’m the one who memorized half the Bible, or so it seemed. But, she is one of my best friends and she has changed.  “Go on,” I said, “But fill in the gaps.”

“Sorry, I’m just so excited. It was at Bible study that I heard about forgiveness of sins, and that God would remember them no more.  I could know for certain that if I believed in Jesus and that He died for my sins, I would go to heaven. I learned that the law is like a guardian that leads people to Jesus Christ. I am free! Jesus has set me free from the law. Here, all this time, I was trying to be good, but salvation – a new word I learned that means going to heaven – doesn’t depend on doing good, but on faith! By the way, I left my church and started attending a church that encourages us to read the Bible.”

We talked  for almost an hour. “Oh,” she said. “It’s almost 11:00. I have to run.”  “Me too.” We said quick goodbyes and left.

Time will TellWhen I walked into my kitchen, the clock said midnight. I looked at my watch; 11:00 o’clock. What? Just then, my phone rang. It was Carol. “Rita, what time does your clock say?” “Midnight,” I said. “What time does your watch say?” she asked.  “Eleven o’clock,” I said. “Mine too.”  We were both stunned beyond words. How could this be? I replayed the evening over in my mind.  Had our watches said 11:00 o’clock instead of 10:00, we never would have sat down. Time will tell.Time Will Tell

I knew I had to do something with what Carol shared with me, but a lie had been planted in my mind, “If you believe God, he will send you to Africa to be a missionary.”  I did not want to go to Africa. And for the next two weeks, Satan badgered, and Jesus pursued. But then, I fell to my knees and cried, “Lord God, I don’t care if You send me to Africa. Please forgive me for all my sins.  I ask You, Jesus, to  come into my heart and into my life. I want to follow You as my Savior and Lord.” I felt like a heavy burden and all my fears of dying  were lifted. His love poured over me and brought a peace I could not explain.

I learned that it is important to share fears and concerns – one never knows if a Christian may be listening and will swing into action with the gospel. Satan’s tactics are cunning, but his illogic is no match for God’s truth. Therefore, be ready to spread the Gospel and be prepared to mentor a new believer.

Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says, “Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts…” Hebrews 4:7