The Troubled Man

tree among the tombsIt was as though He looked across the Sea of Galilee and saw a very troubled man.  He and His friends immediately got into a boat to go to the other side.  After calming a horrendous storm by commanding the wind and the waves to be still, He and His friends pulled ashore safely.

The troubled man wore no clothes and did not live in a house.  He roamed the mountains and lived among the tombs, crying out in anguish and cutting himself.  He was extremely strong and could not be chained or shackled although the men of the area had tried several times.  When the tormented man saw Him get out of the boat, he ran up to Him, dropped to his knees, and shouted, “What have I to do with You?  I beg You, do not torment me!”

The One who got out of the boat commanded, “Come out of the man, unclean spirit!”  Then He asked the spirit, “What is your name?”

The demons answered through the troubled man.  “My name is Legion, for we are many.”  Then they begged Him, “Do not send us to the abyss, but send us to the herd of swine.”  Unclean spirits into unclean animals.  And it was granted.

The swine herd ran violently down the steep place into the lake and were drowned.

Those who fed the swine were aghast at what they had just witnessed and fled to town to tell everyone what had happened.  The townspeople ran back to the place to see for themselves.  When  they arrived, the man who have been demon-possessed was clothed, in his right mind, and sitting at the stranger’s feet.

When the townspeople grasped the power of this one Man against the demons, they shook with fear.  “Leave our region,” they pleaded.

When Jesus got into the boat, the man who had be delivered from demons begged that he might go with Him.  But Jesus said “Go home and tell others what great things the Lord has done for you.  (Luke 8:26-39)  Jesus commissioned the man to be a missionary to an entire town who otherwise may not have  heard about God.

If left unattended, the man would have been doomed  forever.  But Jesus saw the man’s hopeless and helpless state and went to rescue him.

No matter what troubles may be, whether mental, emotional, physical, or spiritual, we are assured that Jesus knows, and He cares.  He is powerful and mighty.  Who but Jesus could command a storm  to be still, and by the power of His word, it was so?  No one but Jesus has the power and authority to command demons to come out of their host?  And they obey!

We may have loved ones who are ill; some are healed and others are not.  Why?  It is because God sees the bigger picture and works all things together for good to those who love Him; who are called according to His purpose.  God orchestrates all things to accomplish His purpose with mankind being His main focus. Those who are not healed are given His amazing grace and strength to weather the storm knowing they are not alone, but from the heights of glory, Jesus sees and intercedes for us.