A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste

A mind is a terrible thing to wasteFive-year old Jimmy came home from school one day three months after starting kindergarten  and announced, “I have a boyfriend.”

His mother was shocked!  “What?  How can this be?  I’ve taught him morals and values from the day I brought him home from the hospital, and after only a few months in school, he says this!

A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste ~

Cory, a normally energetic and happy fourth grader,  stepped off the school bus and walked up the driveway with his head down.  He sat on the couch.  He didn’t say a word.

After a few minutes, his mother asked, “Cory, are you okay?”
Cory looked up.  “Are people animals?”
“No, they are not animals.  Why do you ask?”‘
“I know it’s not true, but my science teacher said human beings are animals.”

His mother thought for a moment before answering.  “People are made in God’s image.  Jesus did not come to die for animals.  He died for people.  Animals do not go to heaven or to hell when they die.  They just die.  Besides, people have a spirit and animals do not .  God gave man authority over animals so man is above animals.  Does this make sense?”

Cory nodded, still perplexed.

His mother decided to email his teacher for clarity on the situation.  She recounted how Cory had come home confused with what he had been taught in the classroom and her own explanation to Cory.  Shortly thereafter, the mother received a reply from his teacher.

“I am sorry if this confused Cory.  If you GOOGLE ‘Are people animals,’ the answer comes up ‘yes.’  But, I do agree with your explanation.  However, I am not at liberty to discuss my Christian point of view in class.”

A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste ~

Twenty-two year old Jesse, a college student, sent this text to his mother while he was in class. “I’m learning that I’m a girl if I feel like it, and mothers and fathers are no longer relevant, and if things  don’t go the way I want them to, it’s because I’m oppressed.  Yeah, college.”

A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste ~

In Jimmy’s kindergarten case, is it the intention of school staff to get children so confused with who they are that the students lose their gender identity?  Why?

In Cory’s fourth grade situation, the teacher was not allowed to state her Christian values, and so on the authority of GOOGLE, she taught her class a lie.  Again, why?

In Jesse’s college circumstance, the barrage against the human mind continues its relentless quest to destroy the minds of this generation.  Why?

In the latter two situations, the students were able to discern the lie taught by the one teaching it.  Sadly, Jimmy, didn’t see the danger of what he was being taught.

Because a mind is a terrible thing to waste, as a grandmother, I urge parents and grandparents to teach their kids and grandkids, regardless of age, the truth of who we are in God’s eyes.  We are loved!  We are loved so much, God’s whole plan for the salvation of man is the sole purpose Jesus came from heaven to die on a cross for our sins so we could be reconciled with the heavenly Father.