Peering though Fog by Vina Mogg

I could not see two feet beyond its heavy curtain. In the distance a foghorn bellowed, “I am here” to boats, creatures, people displaced by limited vision. From the shoreline I watched a family of seals surface a few feet short of the heavy curtain.

What Happens to Our Prayers?

What about the prayers that sometimes do not seem to get past the ceiling?  Could it be because of some sin in our lives?  The writer of Psalm 66 has this to say in verse 18, “If I regard iniquity in my heart, God will not hear.”  So we know, ongoing sin in a believer’s heart can block our prayers.

Living Rightside Up in an Upside Down World

When a person goes through what seems like an injustice, or an unfair situation, or perplexing problems, he asks, “Why, Lord, is this happening?”   But this questions is nothing new.