Be My Guest

Write something that is unique to you that maybe no one else knows.  It could be something you recall that happened which impacted your life either negatively or positively;  or something that was said that encouraged or discouraged you in some way.

Be My Guest

I would love to sit around the “water cooler” with you, so,  I am inviting you to be my guest blogger.  Yep, that’s right.  You would be my guest writer on my blog page!  I would delight to serve you my favorite healthy snack of yogurt with walnuts, or a decadent dessert with chocolate and whipped cream as I, and my readers, listen to you share what touches your heart, or what impacts your life, or what’s important to you, or what inspires you. Don’t Have to be Profound ~ Don’t think you must be profound, or that you have Read More