More Potent than Puppy Love

woman, Carolyn Dale Newell, sitting on a rock next to river
Carolyn Dale Newell

I am delighted to introduce a very special friend – Carolyn Dale Newell – as my guest blogger for this week.  Carolyn is a Christ-follower, a passionate writer and speaker. She blogs regularly at A Mountain of Faith.  Carolyn shares her uplifting messages with women’s groups, events, and churches upon request. She is the author of In the Storm, Incense Rising: 60 Days to Powerful Prayer, and Incense Rising Bible Study.  I hope you are uplifted and encouraged as much I am with her inspiration.

The Lord has appeared of old to me, saying, “Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore, with lovingkindness, I have drawn you.”  Jeremiah 31:3  NKJV

The greatest love you will ever know is the love of God.  We cannot fathom the depths of His everlasting love.  Scripture describes it, but it is indescribable.  We know He sent His only begotten Son to die in our place, so we can spend eternity with Him, but we cannot grasp God’s love.  It is like no other love.

But God Demonstrates…

God’s love is unconditional.  Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?  Almost every relationship we have places some conditions on love.  We perceive love by what someone does for us … conditional.  We can do absolutely nothing for God, but He loves us anyway.  We can serve Him, but His love is not based on what we do.  He even loves us when we sin.

But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.  Romans 5:8  (NKJV)  He loved us when we were at our worst.  We cannot say that about many people.

As a legally blind woman, I began working with a guide dog eighteen months ago.  Iva, my black lab, Iva, the black dog with unconditonal puppy lovehas given me a glimpse into God’s love.  Just a peak.  Yesterday, Iva had to wear her red booties, because the city had salted the streets.  Salt is toxic for dogs, plus it burns their sensitive paws.  Iva doesn’t like her booties, but she tolerates them.  Next, I put her harness on.  I have been doing this daily.  I made a major mistake, and I do mean major!  Does Iva give any indication I messed up?  No, she walks down our driveway.

I noticed something felt odd, but I could not detect the problem.  We crossed the street and headed down the other side.  I stopped again.  SOMETHING WAS WRONG.

Remember, I said this was major.  Instead of the strap going across her chest, just behind her front legs, the strap was around the front.  It was not hurting her, and I think she would have walked the entire route without a word.  Without a whine anyway.

When we make mistakes – when we fail – when we doubt – when we sin, God doesn’t strike us with a lightning bolt.  He doesn’t send angels shouting, “Failure.”  He waits, and then we hear the voice of the Holy Spirit speaking softly.

So Is God

Iva loves me unconditionally.  When I step on her foot, she still loves me.  When I make her wear her booties, she still loves me.  When I mess up, she loves me.  When I cry, she comes running.  When I get hurt, she is there, but so is God.  We cannot see Him with our eyes.  We cannot hear an audible voice.  We cannot touch Him, but we sense His presence.  God is there, by our side.

Today, if you feel it is you against the world, please know this: God loves you.  He loves you more than humanly possible.  He loves you more than your loyal dog.  He loves you more than you can imagine.  God loves you more!

Thanks, Carolyn, for being my guest.  I echo her words to you:  God loves you!

Stop by A Mountain of Faith ( and see what other words of encouragement she has.