Boundaries, Covenants, and God – Part II

This week’s blog starts with the last covenant God made in the Old Testament – the covenant He made with David. David, from the tribe of Judah, was crowned king of Israel in 885 BC. The Lord of hosts spoke through the prophet Nathan promising David that He would make David’s name great, and that He would establish David and his descendants as a kingly dynasty of Israel forever. God then made a covenant with Israel to appoint a secure dwelling place in their own land. The sign: the Ark of the Covenant became the symbol of God’s presence. Even Read More

Fully Equipped, but No Power!

If all humanity is equipped to love God and to love one another, then why the rebellion against God?  Why the fighting, the murders, stealing, chaos, dysfunctional families and famillies who are split apart? Why abortion, euthanasia, genocide? Why the greed, the hunger for power, fame and riches? Why the pride and arrogance?