When Life Caves In

When life caves in, we may seek reasons why, but what we need is comfort when.  We may need some answers, but what we really need is Someone.  Jesus does not come to us with explanations; He comes to us with His presence.

We seek answers.  We want to know why?  Why does she have to suffer so?  Like Job, we want God to tell us plainly His reasons for allowing such sorrow.  What is God’s plan?  But God does not reveal His plan; He reveals Himself.

God comes to us as warmth when we are old; fellowship when we are alone; strength when we are weak; peace when we are troubled; courage when we are afraid; songs when we are sad; and bread when we are hungry.

Jesus is with us for the long haul on our journeys in life.  He is there when we are home.  Jesus  sits with us at our table.   He knows about funerals and weddings and commencements, and hospitals and jails and unemployment and labor and laughter and rest and tears.  Jesus knows, because He is with us.  He comes to us again and again because He loves us, and He is faithful God.  (Parts adapted from writer Bob Benson)

We just celebrated the birth of Jesus as foretold in Isaiah 9:6-7: “For unto us a Child is born; unto us a Son is given…And the governement shall be upon His shoulders…of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end.”  Did you catch that?  The government will be on HIS shoulders, and His great government and Peace will never end.  Ever.

When life caves in, tensions are high; hearts are hurting; people are angry; injustice and corruption reign; and fear prevails.  However, this is not the way God wants us to step into 2021.  He wants our eyes focused on Him.  Corruption, terror, violence, fraud, illegal activity, sickness, political control, division – all are predicted in the Bible.  Jesus says, “In this world, you will have trouble, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”  (Parts adapted from author Karen Kingsbury)

“While it looks like things are out of control, behind the scenes there is a God who has not surrendered His Authority.”  A.W. Tolzer

Chapter 4 is the pivot point of the book of Revelation when all earthly events will be viewed from heaven’s perspective with heaven’s mighty response to all the wrongs on earth stirking terror in the hearts of some and shouts of praise from others.  Jesus will set up His government – a government of righteousness, justice and peace.  He has defeated death, overcome the world, and conquered sin and evil.  He will reign as King of kings, and Lord of lords.

May the peace of God be a constant presence in your life.  May fresh hope fill your soul and keep your mind steadfast on the One who can comfort; the One who takes you by your right hand saying, “Do not be afraid.  I will help you.”