Treasures in the Ditch

Sometimes the struggles in life and the obstacles in our path can cause us to become disappointed or frustrated.  I was reminded of this one morning as I walked my usual route for exercise.

woman running on muddy path looking for treasures in the ditchThe morning air felt fresh after a particularly hard rain the night before.  Before long, however, I noticed a strong and unpleasant odor.  This nose-wrinkling smell came from hundreds of earthworms – some large with outstretched bodies crawling to whatever destination worms crawl to, while  others were skinny and shriveled in abstract circles strewn over the tarred walking path.  I dodged and sidestepped  my way along the path until I came to a low spot filled with muddy water.  Two steps in, and  I realized this obstacle in my path was deeper than I thought.  I cut through soggy grass to the street bustling with rush-hour traffic.  But, sprays of water from passing cars doused the sidewalk, so I decided to take the running path again.

I weaved my way back onto the path.  That’s when I spotted it – a ten-dollar bill in the shallow ditch. $10 bills could be treasures in the ditchI scooped it up, stuffed it into my pocket with my iPod, and finished my walk thinking this sure is  a nice reward for having to deal with night crawlers and mud puddles.

For several days thereafter, I would scan the roadsides, along the path, and in the grassy gullies as I walked briskly along.  Each day that I found nothing, I felt a twang of disappointment.

But, one day as I walked and scanned as usual, a question occurred to me: Why am I looking for treasures in the ditch?  Why not just look to heaven where the greatest treasure of all is awaiting me?  Hmm?

Matthew records these words of Jesus, “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.  But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in and steal; for where your treasure is there will your heart be also.”

streets of gold and not treasures in the ditchI did a mental comparison: muddy pathways or streets of gold; obstacles that frustrate or rewards that bless; temporary treasures in the ditch that disappoint or everlasting life that gives joy forever; a chance to find ten bucks or the surety of real treasure.  I came to the conclusion that where my treasure is, is where my heart will be,  and I decided that I would not look down, but rather, I would look up.

Why would I settle for a trinket, when I can have real treasure.  Why would anyone?  Just look up.