Genesis 6:12 says, ‘”So God looked upon the earth, and indeed it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth.” Man was on the tracks and death and destruction raced toward him! Imagine – Chapter 6 of the first book of the Bible and man has become this evil!
Tag: judgment
Over the Edge
We hear public speakers close their speeches with, “And God bless America.” Bless this deplorable state we are in? Does it not strike a chord in your heart to think of asking God to bless America when, as a nation, we spurn the Lord on every side…?
What is a Reasonable Time?
So what is a reasonable time to be under judgment? A few months? A couple of years? The answer is: as long as it takes for a person or a nation to humble themselves, and pray and seek God’s face, and turn from their wicked ways.