What do We Convey by What We Say?

What do we convey by what we say or don’t say or by our actions?  What kind of witness are we?  What is a witness anyway? According to Random House College Dictionary, witness is: 1) to see or know by personal presence and perception; 2) to be present at an occurrence as a formal witness, spectator, bystander; 3) to bear witness to, testify to, give or afford evidence of. The gospel writer John says of Jesus, “What Jesus has seen and heard, of that He bears witness, and no man receives His witness.  He who has received His witness has Read More

Are You Balanced in an Unbalanced World?

Life needs balance.  Without balance, life can become chaotic.  What areas of life should be considered when trying to establish an even keel?  The major components of this balance wheel are: physical; vocational; spiritual; relational; social; recreational; financial; family & inner circle; with Life Purpose & Vision in the hub. The more multifaceted our balance wheel is, the less time we have to devote to each area of life.  When that happens, we let those areas spill into the time available.  If we just had more time, we could get everything done, right?  Wrong.  Most people have a backlog of Read More