Are You Balanced in an Unbalanced World?

Life needs balance.  Without balance, life can become chaotic.  balance wheel with 9 different areas of life to keep in balanceWhat areas of life should be considered when trying to establish an even keel?  The major components of this balance wheel are: physical; vocational; spiritual; relational; social; recreational; financial; family & inner circle; with Life Purpose & Vision in the hub.

The more multifaceted our balance wheel is, the less time we have to devote to each area of life.  When that happens, we let those areas spill into the time available.  If we just had more time, we could get everything done, right?  Wrong.  Most people have a backlog of things they want to accomplish.  But, when we try to accomplish it all, we create a huge problem.  We rob time from another slice on the balance wheel until all areas are jammed together.  Pressure builds.  Stress mounts.  Chaos erupts.

We cannot be all toil and no skittles!

Balance means to allot our time and energy in such a way that will benefit life’s most important areas.  Consider this: Do the things that matter on earth have any real significance in eternity?  Keeping Balance.  This is, by far, my greatest challenge and struggle.  I am notorious for being task-oriented and doing too many things.  I must learn to be intentional and self-disciplined in order to balance my physical with my spiritual and emotional facets of self.  It’s not easy for me, but I do know setting certain limits is absolutely crucial if I want balance in my existence, which in turn brings quality in life, which helps me focus on the hub of my wheel – namely my purpose and my vision which is to grow in my faith in the Lord.

Balance is not something we stumble upon.  It is something we create. We must be proactive.

Here are a few guidelines to bring balance into our lives which I find to be most beneficial – especially for us overachievers.

  • Determine what’s important that will contribute to the quality of life.  Rate them on a scale of one to ten;  the higher the priority, the more time should be spent in that area.
  • Be Creative.  Look for ways to be more efficient with time and energy for the tasks at hand.
  • Stay rational.  Spend quality time with other people.  Focus on them – not on the tasks you could or should be doing instead.
  • Keep healthy.  Eat sensibly and exercise regularly.
  • Relax.  Give yourself a time-out to enjoy life.                                                                                                             

Balance comes when we discover, decide, and discern what we truly want; what we consider to be important.  Then weigh the options and the choices that align with what we consider to be our priorities.  With practice, we can do what we gotta do to keep balanced in an unbalanced world.