Dark Moments

“It grieves me very much for your sakes that the hand of the Lord has gone out against me.”  She was bitter that she was without husband and sons and attributed her circumstances to God’s discipline. The thee women wept together.

Carrots, Eggs, or Coffee Beans

A young woman went to her mother and told her, “Life is hard.  I don’t know how I’m going t make it.  I want to give up.  I’m tired of fighting and struggling.” Her mother took her to the kitchen.  She filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire.  Soon the water came to a boil.  In the first she placed carrots; in the second she placed eggs, and in the last she placed ground coffee beans.  She let them sit and boil without saying a word. In about twenty minutes she turned off the burners.  Read More

Dark Moments

Naomi and her husband, Elimelech, had two grown sons, Mahlon and Chilion, and lived in Bethlehem many centuries ago.  Because of a severe famine in Judah, this family migrated to Moab on the east side of the Dead Sea.  While there, Elimelech died and Mahlobn and Chilion married two Moabite women – Ruth and Orpah respectively. After ten years, Naomi’s two sons died.  Naomi heard the famine had ended, and decided to return to her people, the Jews in Bethlehem.  Her two daughters-in-law pleaded to go with, but Naomi urged them to turn back saying, “It grieves me very much Read More