On the Verge

Life on the VergeHave you ever felt you were living life on the verge?  Discovering something wonderful and yet, not able to nail it down?  Finding true love or not ever finding love?  Landing a dream job or losing one?  On the edge of getting caught up on bills or on the precipice of financial failure?  On the verge of something unpleasant or dreaded becoming a reality?  You are not alone.

In order to get a different perspective of what it means to be on the verge, here’s an exerpt from a person who had gone on a missions trip to Haiti

We live many of our days in preparation and anticipation; we are almost there…and yet, not  truly started.  We walk through days in the whirl of anxiety of the unknown and the excitement of the almost.  We feel the pressuure of the push toward the end of one set of tasks, one set of relationships to set straight, one set of daily living details to attend to, all the while we are anticipating the next venture in the making.  It might be a wedding day, the birth of a baby, the start of a school program, graduation, a new job, moving day or these crazy, wonderful mission trips.”

“A close friend of mine calls this place in life ‘the verge.’  We walk that edge of already and not quite.  It’s in this state that grace is beautiful as we are made to trust our loving, Heavenly Father.  At the verge, there is often a deeper understanding of how fragile we are, but also, how strong we have been made in Christ Jesus.  It’s at the verge that we can often see most clearly.  I am praying for God’s eyes and His heart to be in and for each one of us, as we travel on our way in this thing called life.”

I too, find myself livinging on the verge.

A  statement that sums up this common experience of being on the verge – whether on the edge of something pleasant or at a crossroads of something scary –  “We walk through days in the whirl of anxiety of the unknown and the excitement of the almost.

We can be filled with anticipation each time we feel ourselves to be on the verge.  That’s when we should look up to the heavens, and grasp that  God already knows beyond the verge.  He knows the way.  He guides us on a sure path; He defends us against the enemy; He protects us from harm; He surprises us with good things; and He is never on the verge because He knows all things and sees all things and orchestrates all things from the beginning to the end.  We can confidently walk by faith in the omniscient God as we would otherwise wobble on the verge.  We need not fear or dread, but we can anticipate and exhilarate.  If Jesus leads us, we will never have to say with regret, “Could’ve, would’ve, should’ve.”