Laughter is Good Medicine

A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.  Proverbs 17:22  (Laughter is good medicine.)

I was reminiscing about some hilarious moments – moments meant to be shared!  A few stories immediately came to mind.

choir singing laughter is good medicineSing-a-Ling, an 18-year-old female visited a modest  church close to her home.  The church was crowded, but Sing-a-Ling found an empty seat in the front row of a section off to the side.  She received strange and puzzled looks from those around her, but she ignored their stares and frowns.

Suddenly, the people in her section stood and began singing.  She also stood and was surprised when the lady next to her, with a look of irritation, thrust a song book into her hand.  Sing-a-Ling began to sing, and as she did so, she glanced up at the rest of the people.  They were all still seated.  She was mortified!  She realized that everyone in church not only knew this was her first  visit to the church, but that she had joined the choir – without even attending  a single practice!  If she were not so embarrassed, she would have broke out in unladylike laughter.

Females are not to be outdone ~

Early one morning when the golf course was still wet with dew,  Arnie and Patrick stood at the first tee.  A male foursome waited impatiently for the twosome to play.  Arnie hit a nice drive.  Then it was Patrick’s turn.  His golf shoes were still squishy from the night before, so he wore his sneakers.

He teed his ball, eyed the fairway, and did his golf warm-up wiggle.  He brought his driver back, shoulders straight,golfer swung himself in a heap proving that laughter is good medicine knees bent, and eyes on the ball.  He swung, but without his golf cleats, he swung himself in a circle and landed in a heap with the ball still perched on the tee.

“Mind if we play through?” the foursome asked.  Patrick thought he heard muffled laughter as they passed.

Young girls add to the humor ~

It was nearly half a century ago when Millie, 10, and Molly, 11, decided it was time for Molly to get young lady undergarments.  Molly  waited in the fitting room while the younger girl retrieved an armload of different sizes for Molly to try on.  Molly grabbed a lacy garment and slipped it over her head.

“Arggh!” she gasped.  She stood there turning purple with arms straight up in the air like a scarecrow in a summer storm.  “This is way too tight!” she cried.

young girls in fitting room trying on garter belt thinking it was a bra and proved that laughter is good medicineMillie tried to pull it down, but could not.  She tried to pull it up, but to no avail.  “What are all these dangley  things?” Millie asked.  “I don’t know, but get me out of this!” Molly shrieked.  Millie clapped her hand over her mouth to stifle her laughter.  They struggled until they both were sweating.

The saleslady heard all the commotion in the fitting room and knocked on the door to offer her assistance.  Millie  opened the door and waited anxiously for her the lady to help her friend out of the predicament.  “Perhaps it would work better if you put the garter belt around your hips,” she said, with a stiff smile.

I truly believe laughter is good for the soul.  So, my friend,  LiveLaughLove.  Often.