I Hate When that Happens

I hate when that happens blank computer screenA couple of years ago, I was making some revisions to my book Kiss Your Mommy GoodbyeIt was my last opportunity to make  changes to my manuscript before it went to production.  I was actually re-writing an entire scene and changing much of the dialogue.  I was almost finished typing when my computer screen went blank – not black – blank.  I hate when that happens!

I stared in disbelief for a few minutes wondering what in the world happened.  A message box appeared asking if I wanted to “Save” or “Delete.”  I hit Save thinking I would save my document.  I surely didn’t want to delete my novel.  In reality (if there is such a thing in the computer world), I actually saved my entire book as a blank document!  There was no way to retrieve it!  Anywhere!

After I cried, I prayed, and then called my daughter.  LaDawn couldn’t help me over the phone so she graciously drove twelve miles to my house to try to help me.  My sister joined us.  Gayle, LaDawn and I tried everything we could think of, but everything was gone.  We could not resolve the issue – could not retrieve my book.

Then my sister asked…

“Did you save it on your flash drive?”

“Yes,  I did!” I squealed.  I was so excited until I realized that what was on my flash drive did not have the last couple of book revisions on it, but at least I had  somewhat of an updated version.  At my age, it’s nearly impossible and could be a dangerous thing to try to remember more than my name, address, and emergency contact number.  I set to work editing and revising – hoping it would be close to the most accurate semblance as possible.

I know how I felt when I could do nothing on my own to fix my computer disaster, which is just a blip on the earthly radar, but I cannot begin to imagine how some people will feel when they realize that getting to heaven on their own merit or their good works is an eternal disaster with absolutely no “Save” button to push.

My flash drive was my earthly savior for an earthly problem, but eternity in heaven needs a Savior who can accomplish the mission, and has indeed already paid the price, and guarantees eternal life on His merit to all who believe in His finished work at the cross.  One day, when we all stand before the judgment seat of the Lord, and the books of heaven are opened, there will be no blank screens, no revisions, no missing names or misinformation.  No way to add anything, make revisions, or delete those things called sin.  You see, the Author doesn’t make blunders.

I love knowing that I do not have to, nor could I ever, depend on myself for eternity in heaven, but I can trust and rely on the One who can most assuredly bring me there.  His name is Jesus.

BTW, I did finish my novel and it did go to print.I hate when that happens Kiss Your Mommy Goodbye