How are Christians to Respond?

How are Christians to respond to the violence, carnage and evil around us?  In our dark and chaotic world, Christians are to remember, above all else, that our future is secure and to not lose hope during the trials, no matter how severe they may be.

We are to respond with truth and compassion for the lost, and with pity and prayer for Christians who are caught up in someone’s  passion of the moment.  Unless a believer has a God-given passion for a particular situation at hand, it is best to stay off their bandwagon and to get on your knees.  In either case, we are to love the person – hate the sin.

We can look over the brink of what hell is like and truthfully and as compassionately as possible warn those who are about to step off the cliff to what lies ahead in hell.  Imagine with horror, those who stand unprepared before Jesus as Judge will spend an eternity in hell.

We can look over the horizon of what heaven is like and say, “I want that for you.”

We are to lament sin and its disastrous effects not only on a  mass scale, but on a personal level as well. However, we are not to stand in judgment.  The right to judge  belongs to the only One who is worthy to judge, namely, Jesus Christ.

Prayer is key!

Psalm 28 gives us a great pattern for prayer.

Pray to be heard (vs. 1-2).  Make prayer a personal plea – not something rote or generic or repetitive.  Prayer is personal and relational.  Ask that His will be done.
Request that justice and judgment be done (vs. 3-5).  We request, and leave it to God to carry out and bring the evil to account.
Adoration for answered prayer – not for what happens to the adversaries, but what has happened in our hearts  through adoration (vs. 6-7).
Yahweh – our God.  Ask yourself, “Who is God to me personally?”  If He is my Shepherd, I can trust He will carry me.  He will protect me, defend me, and care for me (vs.8-9).

The Bible tells us that if we abide in Jesus, we can ask what we wish, and it will be done for us.  Key words here if we abide in Jesus.  If we abide in Jesus, we will naturally ask for things that are pleasing to Him – not for our own self gratification.  To abide in Jesus is to open the Scriptures and spend time there.  Lots of time. It is to pray often seeking His will for us at all times and in all situations; it is to desire that our hearts be in sync with His will.

So how are Christians to respond to what’s happening around us?  Seek God.  Pray for others.  Love God and others as God loves us.  Do all things for His glory and He will do all things for our good.  Keep in mind: It is better to think before you act than to act before you think.