Hope is an Anchor of the Soul

His shrieks could be heard day and night in the nearby village.  The people of the village tried to shackle him – not to help him, but to silence him.  But they could not subdue the wretched man. He gave up hope, UNTIL

Jesus stepped out of a boat and into the man’s tortured world.

Discernland, California

We decided to head to the amusement area.  I grabbed a Treaure Hunt brochure from a rack by the door.  On the back were the words, “Lack of spiritual discernment does not mean a person is an idiot or stupid; it means that person lacks spiritual maturity. 

A Sandwich is a Sandwich

Chapter 19 opens with Jesus having left Galilee and was heading to Judah and His mission at the cross.  However, Jesus made many stops along the way to minister to crowds wanting healing, Pharisees wanting answers, disciples wanting no interruptions by children, and a rich man wanting to keep his all.  Jesus addressed all the ‘wants’ with wisdom, patience, and love, and yet, He never compromised the gospel in order to make it acceptable to man.