What Unravels You?

His world was about to fall apart.  He felt like a ship lost at sea with a broken-down engine, a damaged rudder, and mal-functioning radar, and no sign of rescue in a raging storm.  He began to unravel at the seams.

Warrior or Worrier?

The bread is in the oven, the lentil soup is almost ready, the table is set. O, I still have so much to do, and there sits Mary at the feet of Jesus.  She is so irritating!  She fussed and fumed.  Doesn’t she know Lazarus could entertain Jesus?  She should be helping me! 

The Troubled Man

Those who fed the swine were aghast at what they had witnessed and fled to town to tell everyone what had happened.  The townspeople ran back to the place to see for themselves.