I could not see two feet beyond its heavy curtain. In the distance a foghorn bellowed, “I am here” to boats, creatures, people displaced by limited vision. From the shoreline I watched a family of seals surface a few feet short of the heavy curtain.
Category: Encouragement
Find Your Own Place
One female oriole ventured to an empty place, but before she could even get her beak into the tasty purple jelly, one male bird chided loudly in bird language, “Find your own place!” Which she did – in the nearby pine tree.
Ask Him
“May I pet him?” “Yes. of course,” the man replied. Sally stooped down roughing the little dog behind his ears. “What’s his name?” she asked. “Askhim,” he answered. Sally stopped playing with the dog. “What is his name?” she asked, not sure if she heard correctly.