Be My Guest

Write something that is unique to you that maybe no one else knows.  It could be something you recall that happened which impacted your life either negatively or positively;  or something that was said that encouraged or discouraged you in some way.

Ask Him

“May I pet him?”  “Yes. of course,” the man replied.  Sally stooped down roughing the little dog behind his ears.  “What’s his name?” she asked.  “Askhim,” he answered.  Sally stopped playing with the dog.  “What is his name?” she asked, not sure if she heard correctly.

Discernland, California

We decided to head to the amusement area.  I grabbed a Treaure Hunt brochure from a rack by the door.  On the back were the words, “Lack of spiritual discernment does not mean a person is an idiot or stupid; it means that person lacks spiritual maturity.