I’m a Wannabe

I do know of One whose more than a wannabe.  He is.  He is a mighty and proactive Leader of people!  Moses experienced that first-hand. This Leader led a mass of people in a most dramatic way. He was a pillar of cloud (like a controlled tornado funnel) by day to lead the way and by night, a pillar of fire to give the people light.  He cleared a path by parting the Red Sea.  He led them though wilderness for 40 years to their destination – the Promised Land.

Fully Equipped, but No Power!

If all humanity is equipped to love God and to love one another, then why the rebellion against God?  Why the fighting, the murders, stealing, chaos, dysfunctional families and famillies who are split apart? Why abortion, euthanasia, genocide? Why the greed, the hunger for power, fame and riches? Why the pride and arrogance?