Man in a Hoodie

I turned and looked. The man stopped at the end of the driveway by the paper box. He stared at me as he slowly came up the driveway. Step by step. I stood at the front door – the doorbell just inches from my hand, but I could not ring the bell.


Not all people struggle with this idiosyncrasy, but I eo. “Hello, My name is Rita and I’m a list-maker. I make lists of tasks I want to get accomplished, and sometimes I will do somethig extra just to write it on my list so I can cross it off!”

Peering though Fog by Vina Mogg

I could not see two feet beyond its heavy curtain. In the distance a foghorn bellowed, “I am here” to boats, creatures, people displaced by limited vision. From the shoreline I watched a family of seals surface a few feet short of the heavy curtain.