What Taskmaster Controls Your Life?

what taskmaster controls your life?What taskmaster controls your life?

Time?                    Busyness?                    Fitness?                    Job?                    Leisure?                    Schedules?                    Self Indulgence?                   Other’s Demands?

Diet?                    Volunteering?                  Details?                 Family Commitments?                  School?                  Check Lists?                      Task Oriented?

One could probably mention multiple other tyrants that control your life, but, if you had to list only one what would be your Taskmaster?  I’m talking about something that impacts your life in a negative way.  What hinders you from enjoying life; possesses your thoughts?  What drives you?  What one thing puts you in a box?

For example: Type A Personality (TAP for short) may select ‘busyness’ – TAP is always busy doing something.  TAP cannot just sit in the sun and admire the beauty of the day.  No, TAP would chide himself/herself for being non-productive and think it to be a waste of time to just sit.

Work Alcoholics (WA for short) may choose ‘job’ as their dictator.  They are controlled by it.  Whether they dislike their job, or they may enjoy it, their job keeps them from going beyond their routine in order to venture out.  To expand their horizon.  To live life.

Whatever your taskmaster, Jesus calls softly to follow Him on a quiet path where there is time to talk, opportunity to listen, and freedom to just be.  Jesus says, “Come with Me by yourself to a quiet place and get some rest.”  (Mark 6:31)   Psalm 46:10 says it this way, “Be still and know I am God.”  Or how about Matthew 11:28 where Jesus invites, “Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

Hence, we have the freedom to accept the Lord’s invitation to rest, to spend unhurried time with the One who created time – not as a taskmaster, but as a gift to enjoy.

On the flip side  ~

What is your passion?  What stirs your soul with excitement?  What adds zest to a mundane life?

Hobbies?                    People?                    Family?                    Ministries?                    Decorating a home?                  Turning junk into treasure?                    Reading?                  Crafts?

Shopping?                Traveling?               Cooking?                 Adventures in new places?                   Dancing?                   Entertaining?                    Sports?                   Gardening?

Again, one could list several other things that he/she is passionate about.  Things that add to, or bring an uplifting aspect to life .  Something that gives an added reason to get up each morning.  Not something that stifles, but something that excites the heart.  Something that gives a sense of fulfillment.  A challenge to accomplish something that is enjoyable.

freedomJesus has something to say about that as well.  “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”  (John 10:10)

As a result, we have the privilege to choose whether we live in a box or in the freedom to enjoy life.