Try to read psalm 23 as if you were that stubborn mule rather than a lamb. The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall want my own way. He makes me lie down in green pastures, but I will keep geting up and wanderng off to eat dead grass. He’ll pull me to quiet waters, but I will refuse to drink.
Category: Insight
If it has a Name, it has Identity
Do you think the stars in the sky are significant? God thinks so. How do we know that? Because He not only numbered them all, He named them all! Psalm 147:4 says, “He counts the numer of stars; He calls them all by name.” Can you imagaine that? Billions of stars and each one has a name given by their Creator!
Dirty Laundry
A couple moved into an old neighborhood. The next morning while they were eating breakfast, Mildred saw her neighbor hanging laundry on the clothesline outside. “That laundry is not very clean. It looks dingy. Looks to me, that woman doesn’t even know how to wash clothes correctly!” Mildred said, with a humph. “At least my laundry isn’t grungy-looking!” Her husband looked up from his breakfast. He said nothing. Every time the neighbor hung her wash out to dry, Mildred made the same comments. By this time, William had become complacent with his wife’s continual comments over one thing or another. Read More