But chains can have an even greater positive significance. Take disaster relief teams such as Samaritan’s Purse or the Red Cross for example. They are links in the chain of God’s plan to provide aid for those in need. People on the homefront who donate money or goods are links to those who are positioned to help those in need.
Category: gospel
At the Core
Do you believe this man standing next to me can walk across the tightrope and back again?”
The spectator looked dubious and with a slight shrug said, “Remains to be seen.”
What If…?
What if I lived as though Jesus’ resurrection demonstrates power in a way that surpasses my wildest dreams?
What if I actually become a believer?
What if she’s just making this stuff up about Jesus and eternal life?
What if I had the chance to go into the past to meet my ancestors or go into the future to meet my great-great-grandchildren; how would I describe myself?