Bless These Chains

But chains can have an even greater positive significance. Take disaster relief teams such as Samaritan’s Purse or the Red Cross for example. They are links in the chain of God’s plan to provide aid for those in need. People on the homefront who donate money or goods are links to those who are positioned to help those in need.

Ah! This is the Life

But then, disaster strikes! A tsunami rises from the water like the beast from the Black Lagoon sending you fleeing for your life. You think nothing of grabbing your things – just your survival! Or you smell smoke and realize Oberg Mountain has turned into a blazing forest fire consuming everything in its path.

East of Eden

While out in my rock garden trying to find a shady spot to work, I contemplated two gardens in the Bible. Afterall. the Bible is the story of these two gardens – each one played a most significant and vital role in the history of our world.