Signs With a Twist

I would like to introduce my sister, Gayle Sajewicz, as my guest  for this week’s blog. Gayle and I were talking about the 55+ safe driving class I am taking for insurance discount. She mentioned she wrote an email to some friends who were taking a road trip as an entertaining way to keep alert to road signs. I thought it would make a challenging and fun blog, so here it is.

“Are you one who pays attention to the road signs  while driving along the road – signs that bring warning, show directions, or alerts to dangerous road conditions? As the human signposts along the way, a believer can also take warning from the very same signs as a reminder of walking righteously before God and trusting in His promises.

For example: when you see a stop sign, is there a particular passage of Scripture that comes to mind? As you see a warning sign, connect the warning to a Bible passage. Then use the visual cue (the sign) to remember the verse, reciting the passage each time you see the sign. You will be speaking often with the Lord as you travel in your vehicle.” If a verse does not come to mind, see who can find one first.

Here’s a cheat sheet with a few signs and accompanying verses, but see if you can come up with your own verse:

Be still and know


“Be still and know that I am God.”  Psalm 46:10


Submit to the Lord “Therefore, submit to God.” James 4:7


One Way


“Jesus said, ‘I am the Way, the Truth, and the life.’”
John 14:6


Divided hearts

“Their heart is divided; now they are held guilty.” Hosea 10:2



Narrow Way


“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction.”
Matthew 7:13


Wait Upon the Lord


“But those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.” Isaiah 40:31


I will give you Rest  “Jesus said, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”     


On your next venture, go in peace, and let the Lord be your driver.  Ponder His truths,  heed His warnings, but above all set your eyes and heart upon the very One who loves you.

Thanks, Gayle, for sharing a way to stay focused on the Lord as we follow His map, the Bible, to guide  us as we journey the road of life.