The Gate

He did not even raise his hand to the door knocker as the heaviness of guilt and same of his many unconfessed sins brougnt him to despair. As the old man turned to walk away, he noticed that this gate, like all the other gates had never been opened. 

Pure Water or Polluted Water

Which glass of water would you choose to drink – the glass on the left with the pure water or the glass on the right with  cloudy water?  The clouded water is polluted as a result of pesticides washed from grapes.  The water became visibly impure.  Even if someone is oblivious to healthy eating and drinking,  he or she would not choose to drink the cloudy, impure water, but rather would dump it out. The impure and tainted water is  much like us; we are impure and tainted.  The water – because of pesticides; us – because of sin.  The Read More

A Whisper of Deception

…take note, you have sinned against the Lord; and be sure your sin will find you out.” Numbers 32:23 The house seemed to hide appropriately behind  several trees.  The old tire swing that dangled from a fraying rope was, like childhood innocence, long ago abandoned. A quick rap on the door signaled Annie that her friend made it without being seen.  Annie opened the door and pulled Paisley inside.  “Do you have the letter?” she asked.  Paisley whipped out the ruled piece of paper with her mother’s handwriting on it.  “Right here! Are you sure your folks won’t be home?” Read More