A shaft of sunlight beamed its way through the window, and like an arrow that hits the bullseye on a target, this beam of sunshine focused on the rear tire wheel well. And there it was – the tiniest dot of rust! What? I never noticed that before! But the sunlight exposed it.
Category: Holy Spirit
Wanting and Wishing Won’t Make it Happen!
I went to a community college and took every writing class available; I joined a writer’s group; I attended writing workshops. I learned the mechanics of writing, but to add substance to my writing, I had to go to the Lord.
Called Out of Darkness – Part III
On the fifth night after surgery while still in ICU, I awoke around 1:30am. I listened to and loathed the sound of the suction machine plugged into the wall that pumped extra fluids from my incision. The pump to keep circulation in my leg compressed and released, compressed and released. I looked at all the IV tubes that hung like a tangled mass – drip, drip, drip.