I could not see two feet beyond its heavy curtain. In the distance a foghorn bellowed, “I am here” to boats, creatures, people displaced by limited vision. From the shoreline I watched a family of seals surface a few feet short of the heavy curtain.
Category: God’s Word
Ask Him
“May I pet him?” “Yes. of course,” the man replied. Sally stooped down roughing the little dog behind his ears. “What’s his name?” she asked. “Askhim,” he answered. Sally stopped playing with the dog. “What is his name?” she asked, not sure if she heard correctly.
What If…?
What if I lived as though Jesus’ resurrection demonstrates power in a way that surpasses my wildest dreams?
What if I actually become a believer?
What if she’s just making this stuff up about Jesus and eternal life?
What if I had the chance to go into the past to meet my ancestors or go into the future to meet my great-great-grandchildren; how would I describe myself?