Then came the hardest part.”
“What was that?”
“To obey Him. It was like He had His hand on the back of my neck until I called her,” Cora said.
“How did that go?” Deni asked.
Category: Encouragement
Living Rightside Up in an Upside Down World
When a person goes through what seems like an injustice, or an unfair situation, or perplexing problems, he asks, “Why, Lord, is this happening?” But this questions is nothing new.
A Sandwich is a Sandwich
Chapter 19 opens with Jesus having left Galilee and was heading to Judah and His mission at the cross. However, Jesus made many stops along the way to minister to crowds wanting healing, Pharisees wanting answers, disciples wanting no interruptions by children, and a rich man wanting to keep his all. Jesus addressed all the ‘wants’ with wisdom, patience, and love, and yet, He never compromised the gospel in order to make it acceptable to man.