When reading the Bible, have you noticed that Jesus greeted only His disciples? Three times. And only after His resurrection. He greeted them saying, “Peace be with you.” (John 20:21) So, what makes Jesus’ greeting of peace so powerful and unique such as, “My peace I give to you.” Jesus’ greeting always included His desire to give His peace.
Who Are You?
I am excited to introduce my granddaughter, Rachel Smith, college student at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa, as my guest blogger. This is her first blog, and her goal for blogging is to encourage others and to proclaim Jesus. I read her blog (“Who Are You?”), and she definitely has writing talent, but you can be the critic. Any comments are welcome. Here’s Rachel ~ “Who Are You?” I woke up late this morning, and my first thought was, “Well, it could’ve been a great day.” I took a nosedive into Instagram for a quick peek, and I Read More
God’s Sovereignty Reigns
Picture yourself in this situation: You have been working for someone most of your life, your boss has been extremely cruel, your wages have been barely at subsistence level, and you feel downtrodden and oppressed. For all practical purposes, you are nothing more than a slave.