
timeEach new year seems to be somethig special to celebrate to most folks, but once upon a time, there was no such thing as time – also known as eternity past.  But then,  time interrupted eternity when “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”  In the beginning is that period when time became an entity.  Timeless past could now be measured in increments from a mili-second to a century.  Something we can wrap our minds around with some sense of comprehension of when.

Do you ever wonder silly things about time such as: If the plane arrived ahead of time, when did time finally arrive?  Or, if some people think the Bible is behind the times, who is behind the Bible?  Or, from time to time, how long is between the times?  Does in no time, in good time, or in no time all mean the same thing?  What do you do with one who wants to kill time?  Should he be treated differently than somone who wants to make time?

Can anyone or anything steal time?  Procrastination can.  Procrastination is a thief of time.

Most people strive to be on time, so does one who passes the time of day arrive earlier?  Is the person who takes one’s time called a robber?  Is time after time and time and time again the same?   Why not just say repeatedly?  How about the one who’s living on borrowed time?  Does he have to go to the bank and fill out a loan application?  What if someone falls on hard times?  Would they say, “Help.  I’ve fallen, and I can’t get up.” 

How about the time questions that bombard us daily?  “Do you have time to…?”  “What time is it?”  “How can I save time?”  “If I had the time and the money, I would…?”  We are a time-oriented people.  Our phones have alarms to alert us to times of certain planned events.  We have calendars on which we write our commitments and their times.  We are continually juggling our schedules because of time overlapse.

I, myself, am a time-oriented person constained by time.  God is time-oriented, but He is not constrained by it.  He owns time!  It is a tool to Him to accomplish His purpose in a manner we can grasp.  Time governs my activities, but God governs all things in His perfect time.  Because I am so aware of time, I have decided rather than spending quiet time with God, I will spend ‘presence’ with God.  That way, I am not hindered by the clock.

We are living in end times.  That means that at the end of the age, God will usher in eternity.  Everlasting is a term that belongs to earth – while there is the world, there will be time.  God made everlasting covenants with man meaning that as long as the earth remains, the covenant remains.  At the end of the age, however, time becomes like a morning mist and ceases to exist.  Forever.

Each new year brings us closer to when there will be no measure of time.  It’s called eternity – never ending.  Have you personally considered where you will spend eternity?  It is something extremely serious to consider.