God’s plan unfolds from generation to generation and will be complete when God draws life on earth to a close and new life in eternity begins. His purpose is revealed to us in Revelation 21:3 that says, “”Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be His people, and God Himself will be with them as their God.”
Tag: suffering
When Life Caves In
We seek answers. We want to know why? Why does she have to suffer so? Like Job, we want God to tell us plainly His reasons for allowing such sorrow. What is God’s plan? But God does not reveal His plan; He reveals Himself.
Suffering Produces Glory
What do you see when you look at verse 17? You see Paul calling his affliction, which lasted a lifetime, momentary. He called it light, and he called it momentary.