What Will You Leave?

Do you like to collect things?  Save stuff?  Hoard everything?  Hold on to material goods just in case you might need it some day?  Do you strive to have electronics with the latest technology?  Are you a lover of money/investments and nervously watch the DOW every morning?  Or, do you see money and niceties as something you can use and enjoy, but not become attached to?  Do you ever ask yourself, “Self, what will you leave?” Question provokes thought ~ Think about it.  What will you leave?  There lived a very rich man who habitually dressed in royal clothes and Read More

I Hate When that Happens

A couple of years ago, I was making some revisions to my book Kiss Your Mommy Goodbye.  It was my last opportunity to make  changes to my manuscript before it went to production.  I was actually re-writing an entire scene and changing much of the dialogue.  I was almost finished typing when my computer screen went blank – not black – blank.  I hate when that happens! I stared in disbelief for a few minutes wondering what in the world happened.  A message box appeared asking if I wanted to “Save” or “Delete.”  I hit Save thinking I would save Read More