Introducing My Guest

Good Morning, Loved Ones, I would like to introduce my guest Marsha Bradt who was the first one to respond to my invitation to write what’s on your heart to stangers in place, but not strangers in heart.  I just know you will find Marsha’s words  encouraging and uplifting. Marsha is a long-time friend, loves the Lord, loves people, has a contagious smile and loves to encourage others.  Marsha Bradt, M.A. is a Student Success Coach at College of Adult & Proessional Studies/Graduate School/ Seminary at Bethel University. From Marsha to you: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I usually pray for people while I Read More


“Why is there so much suffering in the world?” she asked, after reading Corrie ten Boom’s book “The Hiding Place.”  I didn’t know how to respond with compassion to her point-blank question, but Paul did. Paul addressed that question which, like suffering, has plagued mankind since the fall into sin.  Paul spoke to the Thessalonians, and his encouragement to them was motivated by God. The Thessalonians suffered under severe persecution. Not only that, but they were also infiltrated by false teachers who would not, nor could not, offer truth and encouragement to them in their suffering. However, the Thessalonians were Read More