A Sandwich is a Sandwich

Chapter 19 opens with Jesus having left Galilee and was heading to Judah and His mission at the cross.  However, Jesus made many stops along the way to minister to crowds wanting healing, Pharisees wanting answers, disciples wanting no interruptions by children, and a rich man wanting to keep his all.  Jesus addressed all the ‘wants’ with wisdom, patience, and love, and yet, He never compromised the gospel in order to make it acceptable to man.

Fully Equipped, but No Power!

If all humanity is equipped to love God and to love one another, then why the rebellion against God?  Why the fighting, the murders, stealing, chaos, dysfunctional families and famillies who are split apart? Why abortion, euthanasia, genocide? Why the greed, the hunger for power, fame and riches? Why the pride and arrogance?

Sailors and Angels

That evening, we took the subway under the East River to the World’s Fair in Queens.  The return trip to Manhatten sealed the memory in our minds forever.  We decided to get off the subway in Times Square because we didn’t know what other stop was close to our hotel.  We climberd the stairs to the streets above and were immediatelyl surrounded by several men.  We froze in fear.