With the seemingly out-of-control darkness swirling around us, and the threat to our very freedom to mention God, or to offer to pray for and with another sojourner, just think what may happen if we take our heads out of the sand. What if we wake up?
Category: informative
Manage or Manipulate?
She wept for the treachery she was about to commit against her husband. She reasoned aloud, the blessing is about to go to impetuous Esau, and I know he will squander the blessing. Besides, the Lord said the older shall serve the younger, and maybe this is God’s way…”
Both Mole and Man
Like lawns are incapable of ridding themselves of grubs and moles, so man is incapable of ridding himself of his of original sin, sin nature, and accumulating sin. Both mole and man are destined to live in darkness if left on their own.